Philipp Geist/ Videogeist NEWSLETTER November / December 2009
Hello everybody,
I would like to invite to see my insallation "Timing" the Glow Festival
in Eindhoven 6th - 15th November 2009.
I am also preparing a facade installation on the Royal Throne in
Bangkok, Thailand. The projection is a central part of the festivities
celebrating king Bhumibol's birthday and will be attended by thousands
of Thai citizens who honour their king. The art work combining images
of the royal past and present, of the culture and nature of Thailand
and abstract passages can be seen on each night between the 5th and
the 13th December.
Kind regards,
Philipp Geist
Bangkok, Thailand
4D Light & Sound Installation by Philipp Geist
Artist contect facade installation by Studio Philipp Geist
The 4D & Show is manage by Fresh Air Festival and Kaiser Communications
Co.,Ltd.(Thailand) Technical Support: Digital Slaves
Glow Festival Eindhoven 2009 Outdoor Installation "Timing"
06th -15th November 2009
Philipp Geist (Germany)
Philipp Geist’s still- and video projection mingle with the facades and
their means of representation. Through projecting light and images into
architectural environments filled with fog, his interventions in architectural
environments visualize and – at the same time - cloak the space they inhabit.
Intersecting media and urban landscapes into new hybrid conditions, their
experiential attraction reflect on the ephemeral and dynamic qualities of artificial
consistencies. Project: Timing “Timing” is a site-and time-specific
work, made for GLOW and made of projected words woven into the space
like a poetic carpet and at the same time, as social radar. The work
will be completed by the visitors walking in the projection field.
Location: Kennedyplein/ Bus station Neckerspoel Interview Philipp Geist
by Lizzy Sliepenbeek “Time is a highly personal and subjective
experience” Time passing “I project directly on architectural elements,
on the ground and on fog. The result is an interplay between the solid
walls and ground and the transparent, dissolving fog. The words are
reflected and made visible in the air. Fog is, similar to time, always
in flux, you cannot hold or keep it. This transient material refers to
the location of the bus station, a place which evokes different
associations of time passing. Lack of time and bothersome waiting
belong together and remind the visitor of the fact that time is not a
fixed and objective parameter, but always a highly personal and
subjective experience. A station serves as a metaphor for arrival and
departure: of loss and gain, and time spent at places and with people
of importance to oneself”. www.p-geist.de www.videogeist.de
Berlin Kulturforum 2008
reviews / photos / documentary
Circuito Festival Internazionale Musae 2009 - Scilla, Calabria ex
Scoglio di Ulisse
"What's Happening?!" sound/ image performance project percussion
quartet tetraktis (rome/ italy) http://www.tetraktis.org/ composer
fabrizio nocci (rome/ italy) www.myspace.com/ncco1 visual artist
philipp geist (berlin/ germany) http://www.videogeist.de
LIQUID MEMORY - PHILIPP GEIST Outdoor - Video – Installation in
Oberwesel / Kulturstiftung Hütte
Liquid Memory Installation.
http://www.videogeist.de http://www.p-geist.de
Luminale - Rheinpartie "auf zu neuen ufern" 02 – 04. Oktober 2009
Poland, TRANSVIZUALIA 009: MEDIASCREAM! 3. Festival of AudioVisual &
Multimedia Forms 08-18.10.2009
Gdynia, PPNT, Outdoor Installation Project by Philipp Geist 8th,
october opening
Exhibiton Gallery GGF Gdansk, Solo Exhibition/ Einzelausstellung
Philipp Geist opening 9thoctober photo works / light boxes and prints
Fotoarbeiten Leuchtkästen & Videostills
TRANSVIZUALIA 009: MEDIASCREAM! 3. Festival of AudioVisual & Multimedia
Forms 08-18.10.2009 3City: Gdynia|Gda?sk|Sopot Poland
Outdoor installation "Mapping" Gydina.
Exhbiton 'Lighting up Times' Gdansk /Danzig
Philipp Geist
mail@p-geist.de fax +49.30.609808919
Studio Philipp Geist Post Box PO 080311 10003 Berlin/ Germany