Nocci Live Electronics Tetraktis Percussion Philipp Geist Videoart
Mer 20 gennaio 2010 – What’s Happening?! è un evento imperdibile. Ospite indiscusso della serata è il tedesco Philipp Geist, artista di fama nella scena delle arti visive mondiali, attento sperimentatore di forme espressive orientate verso la videoarte che abbiamo già avuto modo di apprezzare durante la videoinstallazione “Time Lines” effettuata sulla facciata del Palazzo delle Esposizioni nel corso della notte bianca capitolina del 2007. I percussionisti Tetraktis, attivi da circa quindici anni nei circuiti della musica contemporanea, propongono un set formato da una complessa struttura di strumenti ritmici e non solo: cajon, piatti tagliati a spirale, bicchieri, tazze da the, strumenti autocostruiti; un enorme gong e una gran cassa da orchestra padroneggiano l’intera ensemble. Fabrizio Nocci è un compositore che vanta collaborazioni con grandi artisti italiani e mondiali: gli stessi Tetraktis e Geist, Lillevan (il fondatore dei Rechenzentrum), Lorenzo Oggiano. Le sue sperimentazioni nel campo della musica elettronica sono state presentate in alcuni dei più importanti festival italiani e arrivano anche a Berlino (ricordiamo la performance “Electronic Church” con Geist) e a New York con l’artista visiva Chika. I nostri ospiti propongono un orgia di frequenze, manipolazioni sonore, pulsazioni elettroacustiche e delizie visive già presentate in occasione del Musea Festival a Reggio Calabria nell’anno passato. Assistiamo dunque ad uno spettacolo improvvisato piuttosto invasivo, di cui è difficile distinguere i punti cardini, dove ciascun elemento è affidato all’interazione degli artisti in tempo reale. I suoni di Nocci delineano una forte tendenza al rumore nella sua accezione più corporea, densi drones di basse frequenze si alternano ad improvvise sfuriate di acide sonorità digitali; non c’è spazio per la melodia se non in alcune brevi parentesi in cui la partitura viene scomposta a favore di manipolazioni elettroniche che la rendono pressoché irriconoscibile ai più. Dal loro canto i Tetraktis scandiscono la foresta di informazioni provenienti dai suoni e dalle immagini, una sapiente miscela di suoni arricchisce la performance di elementi che danno compattezza all’intero spettacolo. I tre maneggiano con cura e determinazione gli strumenti toccandoli, sfiorandoli, giocando con le risonanze armoniche, dando luogo a concretismi di natura eterogenea e a pattern tribali. In ultima istanza i video sono fortemente riconducibili ad un’estetica pittorica a noi nota, la miriade di immagini astratte fanno il verso a De Kooning e ricordano le pennellate di Gorky trasposte in chiave pop. I passaggi di colore accompagnano le textures musicali nel loro evolversi in bilico fra disturbi cacofonici e atmosfere leggermente sommesse. Ciò che rimane nella memoria è l’impatto che si ha di fronte ad uno spettacolo tale. Di sicuro non si ricorderanno i momenti salienti, benché ce ne siano. Ma è l’indeterminazione la chiave di lettura di questa proposta multimediale, concetto tanto pericoloso quanto evocativo e attraente, che invita a riflettere sugli sviluppi dell’arte sempre più orientata verso la contaminazione di linguaggi diversi.
• The first professional guide for the international lighting design scene – appears every two years • Roundabout 100 current projects for urban spaces, buildings, shopfitters and night life • Almanac with industry-related information about designers, manufacturers, fairs, exhibitions, awards
Light is a 21st century building material. New technologies that precisely control light and are economical into the bargain are opening up unimagined design potential. The urbanisation of the world, ecological challenges and worlds of work which stretch across time zones demand an architecture of light. Architects, designers and artists become the directors of light: they see buildings and spaces as three-dimensional media which tell stories. The dream of an immaterial, ethereal architecture is receiving fresh sustenance. The book presents the players who are marking out current international trends with their light concepts: for office buildings, in urban planning as well as for cultural buildings and urban night life.
The authors are Helmut M. Bien, curator of the Luminale – Biennale of lighting culture and Markus Helle, editor in chief of the journal “Highlight”.
Be published in October 2009, presented at the International Book Fair Frankfurt 248 Seiten/pages, Sprache/language: english, 49,90 Euro
27 ehemalige StipendiatInnen des Künstlerhauses Lukas zeigen Arbeiten, die während ihres Aufenthalts in Ahrenshoop zur Geschichte des Kurhauses entstanden sind. Malerei, Zeich- nung, Collage, Grafik, Fotographie und Videos dokumentieren die Veränderungen und den Verfall im langen Streit um diesen Standort bis zur heutigen Zeit.
Gezeigt werden Arbeiten von: Siegfried Appelt, Walter Bickmann, Susanne Britz, Gudrun Brückel, Johanna Creutzburg, Tesse de Oliveira Pinto, Juliane Duda, Sandra Eades, Philipp Geist, Meike Hauck, Mia Hochrein, Massayo Kajimura, Wolfgang Kil, Ruth Mairguenther, Ines Meier, Dörte Meyer, Marnie Moldenhauer, Susanne Nickel, Sibylle Pomorin, Denise Richardt, Lou C. Schneider, Wolfgang Schramm, Ulrike Schröder, Ingo Schulze, Sascha Weidner, Norbert Wisneth, Stefan Wischnewski
Eröffnung der Ausstellung am 6. Februar 2010 um 17 Uhr Einführende Worte: Gerlinde Creutzburg – Leiterin des Künstlerhauses Lukas
Anschließend um 18 Uhr laden wir ein zur Lesung mit Wolfgang Kil und zum Konzert mit Werken von Sibylle Pomorin
07. 02. 2010 bis 22. 03. 2010
geöffnet täglich 10-17 Uhr
Philipp Geist zeigt den Film und Fotoarbeiten der Installation "Broken Time Lines" am Kurhaus 02/2008 >>>Link
Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2010 - 20.30 Uhr Auditorium des Goethe-Instituts Via Savoia 15, Rom Eintritt frei Info: Tel. +39 06 8440051
Es handelt sich um intermediale Performances, eine Fusion zwischen elektronischer Musik, Video-Installationen und Percussion, welche ein beträchtliches Aufgebot an künstlerischen Strategien, Traditionen und Feinheiten aufweist. Die Künstler verwenden hierzu eine große Bandbreite an Medien und Technologien und teilen ihr leidenschaftliches Interesse für innovative Forschung auf diesem Gebiet untereinander, sowie mit ihrem Publikum.
Im Rahmen ihrer Performance erfassen sie Unterschiede, Ähnlichkeiten und Überschneidungen zwischen den verschiedenen kreativen Ausdrucksformen und stellen diese mittels verschiedener Medien dar.
What's happening? ist eine Fusion aus Musik, die das Auge hört, und Bildern, die das Ohr sieht.
percussion quartet tetraktis (rome/ italy) composer fabrizio nocci (rome/ italy) visual artist philipp geist (berlin/ germany)
------- text italiano -------
What's happening? è un concerto multimediale in cui si incontrano tre forme di espressione: l'elettronica, la video-arte e le percussioni. I percorsi dei tre artisti coinvolti, pur partendo da ambiti di intervento differenti, sono accomunati dalla forte attenzione alla ricerca e all'interazione.
La struttura dello spettacolo è fissata ed i materiali da utilizzare (composizioni, brani di elettronica, video) sono stabiliti ma è all'interazione "live" e all'improvvisazione che viene lasciata la componente registica. C'è in questo progetto la volontà di una comunicazione del ricercare, si racconta e si rappresenta la tensione verso un linguaggio nuovo, verso l'interazione profonda tra linguaggi diversi.
What's happening? è musica per gli occhi da ascoltare e visioni per le orecchie da vedere.
Philipp Geist, Video-Art Fabrizio Nocci, Musik und Live-Electronics Tetraktis, Percussions
------- video online -------
please watch the last performances in Scilla Italy, SCILLA Circuito Festival Internazionale Musae 2009 - Scilla, Calabria ex Scoglio di Ulisse 18. Sept 2009
Sample of Geist & Nocci at Electronic Church Berlin 19.06.08
Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2010 - 20.30 Uhr Auditorium des Goethe-Instituts Via Savoia 15, Rom Eintritt frei Info: Tel. +39 06 8440051
Es handelt sich um intermediale Performances, eine Fusion zwischen elektronischer Musik, Video-Installationen und Percussion, welche ein beträchtliches Aufgebot an künstlerischen Strategien, Traditionen und Feinheiten aufweist. Die Künstler verwenden hierzu eine große Bandbreite an Medien und Technologien und teilen ihr leidenschaftliches Interesse für innovative Forschung auf diesem Gebiet untereinander, sowie mit ihrem Publikum.
Im Rahmen ihrer Performance erfassen sie Unterschiede, Ähnlichkeiten und Überschneidungen zwischen den verschiedenen kreativen Ausdrucksformen und stellen diese mittels verschiedener Medien dar.
What's happening? ist eine Fusion aus Musik, die das Auge hört, und Bildern, die das Ohr sieht.
What's happening? è un concerto multimediale in cui si incontrano tre forme di espressione: l'elettronica, la video-arte e le percussioni. I percorsi dei tre artisti coinvolti, pur partendo da ambiti di intervento differenti, sono accomunati dalla forte attenzione alla ricerca e all'interazione.
La struttura dello spettacolo è fissata ed i materiali da utilizzare (composizioni, brani di elettronica, video) sono stabiliti ma è all'interazione "live" e all'improvvisazione che viene lasciata la componente registica. C'è in questo progetto la volontà di una comunicazione del ricercare, si racconta e si rappresenta la tensione verso un linguaggio nuovo, verso l'interazione profonda tra linguaggi diversi.
What's happening? è musica per gli occhi da ascoltare e visioni per le orecchie da vedere.
Philipp Geist, Video-Art Fabrizio Nocci, Musik und Live-Electronics Tetraktis, Percussions
------- video online -------
please watch the last performances in Scilla Italy, SCILLA Circuito Festival Internazionale Musae 2009 - Scilla, Calabria ex Scoglio di Ulisse 18. Sept 2009
27 ehemalige StipendiatInnen des Künstlerhauses Lukas zeigen Arbeiten, die während ihres Aufenthalts in Ahrenshoop zur Geschichte des Kurhauses entstanden sind. Malerei, Zeich- nung, Collage, Grafik, Fotographie und Videos dokumentieren die Veränderungen und den Verfall im langen Streit um diesen Standort bis zur heutigen Zeit.
Gezeigt werden Arbeiten von: Siegfried Appelt, Walter Bickmann, Susanne Britz, Gudrun Brückel, Johanna Creutzburg, Tesse de Oliveira Pinto, Juliane Duda, Sandra Eades, Philipp Geist, Meike Hauck, Mia Hochrein, Massayo Kajimura, Wolfgang Kil, Ruth Mairguenther, Ines Meier, Dörte Meyer, Marnie Moldenhauer, Susanne Nickel, Sibylle Pomorin, Denise Richardt, Lou C. Schneider, Wolfgang Schramm, Ulrike Schröder, Ingo Schulze, Sascha Weidner, Norbert Wisneth, Stefan Wischnewski
Eröffnung der Ausstellung am 6. Februar 2010 um 17 Uhr Einführende Worte: Gerlinde Creutzburg - Leiterin des Künstlerhauses Lukas
Anschließend um 18 Uhr laden wir ein zur Lesung mit Wolfgang Kil und zum Konzert mit Werken von Sibylle Pomorin
Die Publikation Audio.Visual - On Visual Music and Related Media wurde von der Stiftung Buchkunst im Rahmen des Wettbewerbs »Die schönsten deutschen Bücher 2009« in der Kategorie Wissenschaft prämiert!
1035 Bücher von 440 Einsendern nahmen dieses Jahr am Wettbewerb »Die schönsten deutschen Bücher« der Stiftung Buchkunst teil. Eine unabhängige, achtköpfige Zweite Jury entschied nach viertägiger Arbeit am 28. November 2009 über die diesjährigen »Schönsten«: 47 Bücher erhalten eine »Prämiierung«, 17 Bücher eine »Anerkennung«. »Die schönsten deutschen Bücher 2009« sind vorbildlich in Gestaltung, Konzeption und Verarbeitung.
The Publication Audio.Visual – On Visual Music and Related Media one of „The Most Beautiful German Books“
Each year, the book art foundation Stiftung Buchkunst selects "the most beautiful German books" from among newly published hardbacks. The selection process employs strict criteria applied to a diverse range of elements, including how well the bookmaking concept represents the book contents, the typography, the graphics, typesetting, printing, paper, and binding. In 2009, 1035 books were judged by the Stiftung Buchkunst: 47 award-winning books and 17 recommended volumes.
The Visualization of Noise Angel Audio/Video RMX (2002) by Philipp Geist Text by Viola Fissek
A self-taught artist based in Berlin since 1999, Philipp Geist (VIDEOGEIST) works internationally through the media of video, performance, photography, and painting. In 2008, he projected his video installation Time Fades across the Piazzetta open space of the Kulturforum in Berlin. In 2007, he screened his video installation Time Lines on the facade of the museum for contemporary art Palazzo delle Esposizioni in the center of Rome. His projects are characterized by a complex integration of space, sound, and moving images. Time plays an important conceptual role in his work, in which this apparently fixed and constant variable is repeatedly subjected to variations.
Music and sound are central elements of Philipp Geist’s work. He enters into a dialogue with music in many of his creations, and this influences the speed, the intensity of the effects, the degree of abstraction, the colorfulness, and also the content of his images. In the course of this process, visual configurations can emerge that do not necessarily accompany the music, but instead challenge it. The moving image is not given a subordinate role to the music, rather, the two media enjoy equal status. In this way, Geist seeks to overcome the dependency of image on music frequently found in the genre of concert and club visuals.
Angel Audio/Video RMX also transcends traditional audiovisual conventions, especially those of the music video. The work is an experimental and new artistic interpretation of a concert performed by Angel, a musical pairing of Ilpo Väisänen (Pan Sonic) and Dirk Dresselhaus (SchneiderTM). Their noise project combines guitar vibrations with electronic sounds, distorted and transformed by means of feedback and deep, long-drawn-out drones. Angel played the duo concert that Geist would work with as part of the Z2000 exhibition in 2000, performing at a factory floor in Berlin. The concert featured monitors showing a video especially created for the music by Geist (Ill. 1).
The material point of departure for Angel AudioVideo RMX was a recording of this concert with a handheld camera. Geist cut this footage up into tiny video frames, so that the sound was also fragmented and reassembled. This type of rearrangement is often used in the electronic music scene when doing a remix: artists interpret and transform the work of other musicians in order to create something new. Angel Audio/Video RMX is characterized by a distinctive type of interaction between image and sound, unlike the traditional process of creation for a music video, in which appropriate images are chosen to accompany the piece of music. It is true that in this kind of audiovisual remix, the sequence of sounds is determined by the video editing, but the procedure is nonetheless based on an equivalent status for image and sound—since each editorial decision was based on both the audio and the video tracks.
The remix, not unlike Angel’s sound, has an arc of tension that gradually rises, often remains constant for a prolonged phase, and in some parts varies only very slightly. Continuous acceleration and increase in intensity are followed by a pause, and then another escalation, and now the more rapid and increasingly brief segments in black-and-white contrast are joined by the complementary colors red and green. The musicians are shown in different positions, variously sitting or standing. The video track is played backward and forward, and the frames alternate between positive and negative.
The drone set is characterized by long notes, humming, and constant buzzing. The occasionally aggressive volume, the perpetual buzzing, and the shrill notes of the noise project are transformed into an intense, almost corporeal visuality capable of producing dizziness or even headaches in the viewer. Geist translates the acute stimulation of the auditory sense into visual irritation. He achieves this not only through a rapid succession of images, in which the eye searches for something to grasp on, but also because the images quiver and the red flickering light becomes more and more intense.
Time and space are central to the concept of the remix. The films shown at the concert as visuals, as well as the walls of the old factory and an adjoining installation featured in the exhibition, are all incorporated into the video. So are the spectators: a recording of their applause is cut up and becomes another component of the new chain of sound events. The boundaries between documentation, citation, interpretation, and new composition dissolve both in the visual and in the auditory realms. In addition to the spatial dimension, the temporal dimension is also shifted: the spectators are still applauding one work, but have long become part of another.
Angel Audio/Video RMX thus represents a space-time distortion. The real-time duration of the performance is altered in that it is chopped up and compressed, which means it is accelerated, but at the same time it is also slowed down and prolonged by looping short passages, and it is extended, because the concert space is audiovisually integrated.
What is special here about the role of Philipp Geist is that he moves from his initial function as a mere supplier of images at the concert to someone who takes possession of the audio track during the remix so as to create a new and genuinely audiovisual composition whose music is determined by the rhythm of the images and whose image sequences are determined by sounds. It is difficult to imagine a closer dovetailing of the two media in the audiovisual production process.
Bangkok / Thailand 4D Light & Sound Installation by Philipp Geist
Place:Ananta Smakhom Throne Hall 5th - 13th DEC 2009
Bangkok / Thailand 4D Light & Sound Installation by Philipp Geist Place:Ananta Smakhom Throne Hall 5th - 13th DEC 2009
Berlin artist Philipp Geist (33) shows video installation on the facade of the royal throne in Bangkok on the occasion of king Bhumibol's 82nd birthday from Dec 5-13, 2009.
The one-hour-show is the central part of the celebrations and will be seen by thousands of visitors. It interprets artistically the king's life and his work dedicated to public welfare. The art installation combines images of the king and his social projects in the past and present with 3-D-animations of Thai natural and cultural heritage and abstract-painterly passages.
The artist Philipp Geist: 'I feel honoured to be invited to Bangkok to contribute my work to this very special occasion. The organizers were searching for an artist who has already gained experience in creating big facade installations and who simultaneously has an artistic approach to the representation of diverse cultural themes. By mixing figurative and abstract-pictorial film sequences I want to symbolize the succesful combination of tradition and modernism in the king's work. I translated natural and cultural characteristics, which I have researched and photographed on visiting Thailand, into my own imagery and embedded them into partly minimal-purist, partly colourful, dreamlike and intangibly fragile compositions.'
The facade installation responds to the 3-dimensionality of the throne, highlights the architectural structure and neutralizes it again. What is emerging is an interplay between the depth of the building, figurative elements, abstract forms and various rhythms, colours and structures.
Das Mapping, also das exakte Zuschneiden der Gesamtkompositionen auf den Palast, wurde technisch umgesetzt von einer Partnerfirma aus Frankreich Digital Slaves. Die Projektion mithilfe modernster Computer- und Lichttechnik und den derzeit leistungsstärksten Videoprojektoren übernimmt der Technik-Partner der letzten Olympischen Spiele in China. Ein weiterer Bestandteil der Darbietungen ist ein Dokumentationsfilm über den König, der von einem thailändischen Team erstellt wurde. Konzeption und Koordination der Feierlichkeiten liegen bei den Kreativagenturen Kaiser Communications und Fresh Air Festival aus Bangkok.
The 3-D-animations were created on the computer together with WeAreChopChop & VfxBase. The mapping of the images, which is the precise tailoring of the total composition to the facade, was developed with a partner organisation from France (Digital Slaves). The projection using state-of-the-art computer- and light technologies and the most powerful video projectors available is realized by the technical partner of the last Olympic Games in China. Part of the show is also a documentary of the king prepared by a team from Thailand. The concept and coordination of the festivity is carried out by the creative agencies Kaiser Communications and Fresh Air Festival from Bangkok.
A big orchestra of 128 international musicians, which has been assembled solely for this purpose, and a choir of 100 persons perform together with the light show. A diverse programme including dance performances guarantees a gigantic, singular experience.
Philipp Geist has realized many facade installations internationally. In 2007, he projected on the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, a museum of modern art in Rome, and in 2008, he realized an installation on the complete piazetta of the Berlin Kulturforum on the occasion of the Long Museum Nights. In 2010, a facade installation and a solo exhibition in Richmond/USA are to follow, as well as a facade installation in Montreal/Canada.
4D Light & Sound Installation by Philipp Geist
Artist concept facade installation by Studio Philipp Geist
Artist / Director / Animation / Concept Philipp Geist
2D & 3D Animation: WeAreChopChop (Berlin / Akitoshi Mizutani Andreas Nicolas Fischer Daniel Franke
Sebastian Langnickel (
3D Mapping: Digital Slaves (France /
The 4D Show is managed by Fresh Air Festival and Kaiser Communications Co.,Ltd.(Thailand)
4D Light & Sound Installation by Philipp Geist (
Place:Ananta Smakhom Throne Hall (Bangkok / Thailand)
Date: 5th December - 13rd December 2009
Artist concept facade installation by Studio Philipp Geist
Der Berliner Künstler Philipp Geist (33) bespielt anlässlich des 82. Geburtstages von König Bhumibol, dem weltweit am längsten regierenden Monarchen, vom 5. bis 13. Dezember die Fassade des Königspalastes in Bangkok.
Die circa einstündige Video-Performance, zentraler Bestandteil der Feierlichkeit, bei der tausende Besucher erwartet werden, interpretiert künstlerisch das Leben des Königs und dessen Arbeit zum Wohle des Volkes. Die Kunstinstallation verbindet dokumentarische Darstellungen des Monarchen und seine von ihm initiierten gemeinnützigen Projekte, mit 3-D-Animationen thailändischer Natur- und Kulturschätze, sowie abstrakt-malerische Passagen.
Der Künstler Philipp Geist dazu: 'Es ist für mich eine große Ehre, für diesen besonderen Anlass als Künstler nach Bangkok eingeladen worden zu sein. Die beauftragte Agentur suchte einen Künstler, der bereits mit großen Fassaden-Installationen Erfahrung hat und gleichzeitig mit einem künstlerischen Ansatz an die Darstellung verschiedener Themen herangeht. Ich hatte die Absicht, sowohl mit figurativen als auch abstrakt-malerischen Filmsequenzen die erfolgreiche Verbindung von Tradition und Moderne im Wirken des Königs darzustellen. So setze ich Natur- und Kulturschätze, die ich vor Ort recherchiert und fotografiert habe, in meine eigene Bildsprache um, und bette sie in teils minimal-puristische, teils farbintensive, traumartige und schemenhaft-zerbrechlichen Bildkompositionen ein.'
Die Fassadeninstallation greift die Dreidimensionalität des Throns auf, betont die architektonische Struktur, um sie im nächsten Moment wieder aufzuheben. Es entsteht ein Wechselspiel zwischen der Tiefe des Gebäudes, figurativen Elementen, ungegenständlichen Formen und unterschiedlichen Rhythmen, Farben und Strukturen.
Die 3-D-Animationen entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit WeAreChopChop & VfxBase. Das Mapping, also das exakte Zuschneiden der Gesamtkompositionen auf den Palast, wurde technisch umgesetzt von einer Partnerfirma aus Frankreich Digital Slaves. Die Projektion mithilfe modernster Computer- und Lichttechnik und den derzeit leistungsstärksten Videoprojektoren übernimmt der Technik-Partner der letzten Olympischen Spiele in China. Ein weiterer Bestandteil der Darbietungen ist ein Dokumentationsfilm über den König, der von einem thailändischen Team erstellt wurde. Konzeption und Koordination der Feierlichkeiten liegen bei den Kreativagenturen Kaiser Communications und Fresh Air Festival aus Bangkok.
Musikalisch begleitet wird die Installation von einem großen Orchester aus 128 internationalen Musikern, das extra für dieses Ereignis zusammengestellt wurde, und von einem 100-köpfigen Chor. Ein volles Programm inklusive Tanzeinlagen sorgen für ein gigantisches, einmaliges Erlebnis.
Philipp Geist zeigte international bereits viele Fassadeninstallationen, unter anderem bespielte er 2007 in Rom das Museum für moderne Kunst, den Palazzo delle Esposizioni, und 2008 das Berliner Kulturforum zur Langen Nacht der Museen. 2010 folgen eine Fassadeninstallation und eine Einzelausstellung in Richmond/USA sowie eine große Fassadeninstallation in Montreal/Kanada.
4D Light & Sound Installation by Philipp Geist
Artist concept facade installation by Studio Philipp Geist
Artist / Director / Animation / Concept Philipp Geist
2D & 3D Animation: WeAreChopChop (Berlin / Akitoshi Mizutani Andreas Nicolas Fischer Daniel Franke
Sebastian Langnickel (
3D Mapping: Digital Slaves (France /
The 4D Show is managed by Fresh Air Festival and Kaiser Communications Co.,Ltd.(Thailand)